According To Me

Well, Kayla and I went to see Twilight and I'm glad I did. Although my favorite scene (the meadow) didn't make it into the movie I did love the new scene in the trees. I felt that the love story was a bit rushed and at times the low budgetness (is that a real word?) of the movie showed. Edward could have stood to be a bit more attractive, but he did capture that mysterious, bad-boy look. Overall, definitely worth seeing but pales in comparison with the book.


Pamela said...

I HATED it! I think that they butchered it! But I got a good laugh out of it. My sister and I went to go see it and we couldn't stop laughing!

Amanda said...

I am so jealous that I didn't get to go with you guys! I updated the blog finally with you can finally see what Dylan looks like!

Twinmomwv said...

I hated it. I've heard it gets better the more you see it though. Apparently third time's a charm. We are coming to Keyser on Friday for some dinner at the fire department. Any chance you can get a sitter join us?