My Handy Husband

This summer Chris built me some beautiful window boxes and finished his shed. Finally we were able to get all the tools/construction materials off our front and back porches! The bricks by the shed are going to be put down as the floor instead of the current gravel. I now have a yard I'm proud of--thanks dear!


Moffitt Family said...

Bonna - it looks so good!!! I love all the flowers you have - they look beautiful! Did Chris build the whole thing (it looks fantastic!)

Shayne and Leslee said...

Way to go, Chris! It must be a relief to realize you lack someone's ability to never finish anything that gets started! So glad it skipped a generation! (hee, hee) Looks fantastic...

MANDY said...

That looks great, Bonna and Chris! I would love to have window boxes....maybe I should place an order with your husband. ?? :)