Max Brenner's
(think 20 page chocolate dessert menu and imagine the heaven I was in!)

Max Brenner's
(turns out they have great food too)
(Oh, and there is someone famous sitting behind me but I forget who, someone from Law and Order, I think)

(we rode it a lot and, thanks to Les, we never got lost)

Coney Island
(turned out to be dumpy-we did get a Coney island hot dog though)

Empire State Building
(we were too cheap to go up--$20/person geez!)

Times Square

Clinton Street Bakery--Our absolute favorite place we ate at in NYC
(famous for their blueberry pancakes with maple butter syrup and even better was the brioche french toast with caramelized bananas and pecans with maple butter syrup)

(very fresh tasting--the first pizzeria in the U.S.)


Pamela said...

It looks like you guys had tons of fun! BTW, I think that you hate me now cause I'm not a link on your blog anymore :(

Bonna Keckley said...

oops! A while back I accidently deleted all the links and I was trying to remember all of them. Guess I forgot one.

Moffitt Family said...

Fun!!! Now you guys need to come out here!!! I was just wondering if you guys got to eat anything while you were there? Love you!

Twinmomwv said...

I think I gained a few pounds just reading about all the yummy food you ate. Looks like you had a great time!

MANDY said...

NYC? What fun! I haven't been there, but want to go. Happy Bday to Garren, and I love the watermelon pics.