
Everyday we have what we call "Playtime with Calvin in Garren's room." I put them in Garren's room, turn on the timer, and shut the door (although I listen to them with the baby monitor). I want them to play with each other and enjoy their toys together. In the pictures Calvin wanted to get into bed with Garren, who was looking at his "favorite" book (he has many "favorites" just like his father). As soon as the camera appears Calvin wants to touch it, hence his unpleasant look.


MANDY said...

Good idea! I've been encouraging this with the girls lately. I love it when they play together.

Shayne and Leslee said...

Your boys are so cute, Bonna! (and Chris :)) They must be related to mine! Can't believe how big they are--a lot changes in a year and a half, eh?