Amanda Tagged Me

The Rules: Each player answers the questions about themselves, at the end of the post the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they are tagged! Good times!
1. Where I was 10 years ago: I was in good ol' PC beginning high school (boy am I glad that's over with)
2. 5 things on my "to do list" today: This will be easy since I'm at my parents. 1-go to breakfast at Shoneys, 2-give Garren and Calvin a bath, 3-go to half price appetizers at Texas Roadhouse tonight, 4-stay up late talking with Cindy and my mom. Oh, and 5-tag 4 more people.
3. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: I would have Candace Olson from Divine Design decorate my entire house, but first I would get a new house.
4. 3 of my bad habits: spending too much money (haha), letting laundry pile up (although I've been doing much better), and the occasional burp.
5. 5 places I have lived: Snider Street, Morgantown; Mountain MHP, Morgantown; Main Street, Keyser; St Clairs MHP, Morgantown, Carskadon Ln, Keyser.
6. 5 jobs that I have had: Dairy Queen, Department of Surgery work study, Teletech (oh, please don't remind me), WVUH Lab, Tax Shelter
7. Something most people don't know about me: I'm pregnant...with twins! (JUST KIDDING!!)OK I TAG...This will be pathetic because I only know a couple of people with blogs and Amanda is one of them. How about Heather, Shannon, Mandy, and Cindy.

Happy Baby

Despite having a chronic cough, Calvin seems to be a pretty happy baby. It's so funny to hear him squeal with delight when I tickle his tummy.

New Beginnings Cake

This was the cake I made for New Beginnings. I got the idea to decorate it from Alton Brown (if you don't know who that is then you have to watch "Good Eats" on Food Network, it's one of my favorite shows!)

Me and My Boys

I have to admit that I really love having my two boys (Don't get me wrong, I would like a girl someday). I'm so fortunate to be able to stay home with them.