A New Chore Chart

I recently did just about the best thing I've ever done for myself as a homemaker--I made my own chore chart. I never wake up in the mornings and think about all the stuff that needs done. I know exactly what I need to do that day. My laundry never gets backed up. My bathrooms don't get gross. My fridge never looks like my mother's (sorry mom). It is absolutely the best feeling to never get behind in the cleaning. I've been going strong for 3 weeks of this now and I never want to stop. I left off Saturday to do any other chores like bed sheets or windows...etc...or (gasp) to do nothing extra at all! I felt it unnecessary to put things like cleaning the kitchen, or making beds, or general straightening up since those things must be done everyday. Please excuse me now, I need to go clean out my fridge.


Pamela said...

Way to go! I always try so hard to do stuff like that and I can never keep it up very long. I am just not disciplined! Great job, Bonna!

MANDY said...

Good job, Bonna. I go in spurts with this scheduling thing....it's definitely helpful when you're feeling it.

Moffitt Family said...

You're so cute Bonna - I miss you! See you in a few days!!!!
